Autism Rates Skyrocket With Child Vax Increase! 1880's World Depopulation Plan?
"1986 The Act" ~ Onslaught of Mass Propaganda & War on Humanity!
How did the world get into this situation, where humankind are in such a state of ‘fear’ that they would even consider subjecting their perfect God given Heaven sent babies and children, to injections of poisons in their perfect, pristine, angelic bodies, like sacrificial lambs? Has the whole world gone mad? What has instigated this insanity?
In 1915, a joint Eugenics venture was brokered by John D. Rockfeller, Andrew Carnegie, Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone and Mrs E. H. Harriman mother of the future statesman Avril Harriman. They had already consolidated their monopolies in oil, railways, steel and the banking industry. At this point they sought to preserve their vast wealth and advance their interests by investing in methods to control and reduce population. The goal of eugenics was and is to eliminate people, who the elite deemed inferior genetic material. They funded a massive lobbying campaign to pass laws to sterilise 10% of the American population, who they deemed unfit. Sterilisation laws were first enacted in 28 States in the US. Their objective was to sterilise 10% of the population, which was 15 million Americans. This was to be accomplished under the guise of improving public health and the human race. US sterilisation laws served as a model for the Nazi racial hygiene laws. For over a century the Rockefellers continue to be the highest Financial backers and drivers of the eugenics and the depopulation agenda.
Today, globally, there are tens of thousands of doctors, scientists, virologists, health practitioners and the like, well aware of the impact and effects of the poisonous, non organic, artificial chemicals in the ‘vaccinations’, particularly on babies and youth. The thoughts that this is the “right thing to do, to be safe” are instilled in the mind via fear - False Evidence Appearing - and propagandized media programming, repetition of the same message over and over.
Although the prevalent rate of increase in the Autism spectrum correlates with the massive increase in the number of vaccinations, which include significant amounts of poisonous adjuvants - tested on POWs in WWI and WWII, with intent to control, poison and kill them, those who work in the field of pharmaceuticals have been programmed and/or brainwashed to believe that there is NO correlation to the destruction of our organic, divine physical genome. This is utter ignorance and insanity!
The devastating impact of this manipulation on the minds and bodies of the masses is leading us to world destruction. To be free of this diabolical illusion and transform our world, we must wake up from this nightmare, in the knowing that we are the creators of our world. We enter the world perfect and whole … out of Love … as ALL God’s creations. We must once again RE-MEMBER who and what we really are, to live, move and be from the promptings of the Heart of Love!
So, from whom, where and why did this concept for ‘need’ of ‘vaccinations’ actually originate? It truly dates back over a century, with Standard Oil Tycoon, Eugenicist, Freemason, J.D. Rockfeller. It is via his leadership in the 1880s, that conjured up the demonic forces, to cast spells on the masses, which has and still is leading humanity to its own demise, via “Pharmachology”! It’s origin comes from the Greek word “pharmkeia’ meaning “producers of Sorcery, Occult and Black Magic!”1
What is “1986 The Act” and who is responsible for creating it?
The propaganda machine is the means and platform upon which mankind’s mind has been misguided and altered… truly starting with the Vatican’s 3rd century rewrite of the Essene Magi’s 90 AD Scriptures of the Saints and Sages of the Ages, under the aegis of King Constantine’s Pagan rule. This has been magnified over the ages globally, particularly since world transmissions via “media” inventions dating back to 1816… first with the camera, followed by the invention of the Radio in 1896, then film in the early 1900’s.
This, combined with the birth of Pharmacology, in the 1880s, by Standard Oil Tycoon, Eugencist, Freemason, J.D. Rockefeller’s, set in motion the takeover of all holistic schools of medicine, by funding those who incorporated his chemical concoctions with their holistic herbal remedies.
Rockefeller’s first ‘weapon of mass destruction’, was the 1916 patented meningitis vaccine, distributed to all soldiers around the globe, who fought in WWI. At that time, radio towers were placed strategically around the globe, with the knowledge that their frequencies could trigger and compound the effects of the ‘vaccine’ injections. It was not a flu, and it was not Spanish (a country that did not fight in that war). Those who survived the war brought the virus home to their families.2
It was this vaccine/virus that killed 2/3rds of the world population … not a Spanish flu (doesn’t exist) … followed by Rockefeller’s 1935 patented Corona Virus (bat flu) in WWII, which the magnificent human immune system dulls down to the common cold!
Vera Sharav saw early in life the vast potential of evil when humans stop thinking for themselves and simply do as they are told. Her stubborn refusal to bend to authority and board the ship that was said to take Jewish children to safety, is what saved her life, and her story is a tragic yet poignant reminder of what can happen when humans blindly follow authority. She is an advocate for truth and peace on Earth.
“The United States entered WWI as an Allied Power in April 1917. A little over a year later, it passed the 1918 Sedition Act, which made it a crime to say anything the government perceived as harming the country or the war effort. It’s difficult to know the extent to which the government may have used this Act to silence reports of the flu, or the extent to which newspapers self-censored for fear of retribution. Whatever the motivation, some U.S. newspapers downplayed the risk of the flu or the extent of its spread.”3 As today, where the media has been bribed and owned by Pharma.
Sound familiar? Propaganda combined with the use of ‘vaccines’, which began in WWI, continued into WWII, with Rockefeller’s patented ‘Corona’ virus, backed by Minister Joseph Goebbel’s Propaganda machine … on a ramped up scale!
WWII never ended, as it was continued via infiltration into high governing positions in the US, starting the late 1930’s, and has since escalated… becoming more evident over the past 4 decades, particularly since “1986: The Act", where all Pharmaceutical companies were granted ZERO liability for injuries and/or deaths due to vaccines and pharmaceuticals!
In 1986, pharmaceutical companies extorted the US Congress into giving it the best business model in the world: no lawsuits for vaccine products that are mandated by law to be injected into children -- products that have never been properly tested for safety. Vaccines that are currently being rushed-to-market for COVID-19 require even less scrutiny … to zero rigorous testing of their capacity to cause harm.4
In 1986, twelve professors and Health Directors (listed above) congregated and determined the fate of the ENTIRE world population. They were commissioned to instill and ensure the outcome of the “1974 Kissinger Report”5 90% world depopulation plan, between 2020 and 2050, via the gradual poisoning and annihilation of humankind, starting with the children, under the guise of ‘Health and Safety’!
Under whose authority was “The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Law 99-660)” signed, sealed and delivered to an unsuspecting programmed population - and accepted as a lawful ‘World’ Authority? How did this US National Act become law … worldwide? All media and We the People have been duped by this since 1986.
The documentary, “1986: The Act,” is a historical description of how the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act came into being. The Act shields manufacturers from liability and requires those injured by vaccines to sue the U.S. government for compensation instead
The film, produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, was included in the NVIC’s international public conference on vaccination, held online October 16 through 18, 2020
“1986: The Act” illustrates the dangers of removing a product — vaccines — from the constraints of the free market, as it removes incentives for safety.
How is this warranted? How did this fly under the radar of common sense and ‘informed consent’? The criminals at the top of this satanic debauchery (WHO, WEF, UN, Schwaab, Gates, Fauci, Soros, etc.) have brainwashed entire world governments, dangling billions of $$$s, of the world population’s rightful dowry, with the promise of wealth and luxury, laid out before their despotic, dystopian eyes.
It appears we are past the hour of remedy. However, there is no time like the present to take action and give ALL Pharma worldwide a piece of their own medi-sin.
From 1980 to 1986, this journalist worked at Global TV, Toronto, as producer/editor on “Everybody’s Business”, and other human interest shows, as well as in the Newsroom. In 1986, I witnessed the buyout/takeover of major media networks, by Pharma, and became aware of the shift from ethical, factual reporting to disreputable propagandized commercialism. They controlled the narrative, dictating what could and could not be broadcast on the Networks that they funded, particularly in the arena of Health.
Prior to this time, commercials and advertisements for pharmaceuticals, on all media – particularly television, was 100% restricted. Since then, massive ads for pharmaceuticals have flooded the airwaves, with a ‘5’ second spew of the contra-indications at the end … so fast you miss the warning about the potential debilitating ‘side-effects … such as, ‘cancer and death’!
In Canada, prior to ‘The Act’, children rarely, if ever, received vaccines before age two. It was much earlier and a more rigorous schedule in the US, as this is where tbe concept was initially launched, since WWII infiltration of Nazi control, into all facets of US governance, starting late 1930’s, bringing concentration camp style tactics into practice, in the guise of “Health and Safety”. Since WWII, there was significant controversy over the polio, DPT and MMR vaccines, and more so during the 1960s to 1980s.6
An aunt and brother both acquired polio, shortly after receiving the ‘vaccine’, and I ‘died’ from the MMR vax at age 2 … the body was on life support, in a coma for 2 weeks … until I was ‘sent back’ by a man named ‘Yeshua’ aka Jesus, who I met on the other side. At the last moment of my truly ‘Heavenly’ visit, he emphatically bellowed, “It’s not her time yet!” as he slammed his fist on a marble table, like a gavel! At the same moment, my mother unzipped the oxygen tent! Long amazing story short … I have not been vaxxed since!
As the number and doses of vaccines escalate, more diverse versions of diseases and disorders ensue, while Autism rates have skyrocketed worldwide. In one of my ‘Early Childhood Education’ text books, I recall reading this statistic that in 1970, only 1 in 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism in Canada. Today, according to CDC stats, 1 in 6 children aged 3-17 are diagnosed with a developmental disability having received a barrage of vaccine doses since age 4 months!7
(It appears this patent below is no longer available online - this was downloaded in 2020)
The 1935, Avian Corona virus was also introduced into the Sars-CoV2 embellished ‘vaccine’: a virus, created under Fauci’s 2002 patent, in Gates N Carolina U, Chapel Hill lab … where it was banned in the US, November 2015, as a “dangerous bioweapon”. Faucci then moved it to the Winnipeg Lab, and in December, Justin Trudeau sold it to Gates, funded and owned since 2020, Wuhan lab, along with the Arbutus lab synthetic mRNA (Trudeau family investment) for $500 million plus a $40 kickback on every dose sold worldwide. Along with a plethora of poisons, including graphene hydroxide,8 was Gates nano-technology, to control the minds of the masses, turning them into Grey Alien AI!9 Along with the 1974 Kissinger Report of a 90% world depopulation plan, between 2020 and 2050, and the Rockefeller 2010 detailed Lockstep,10 this was all in preparation for WWIII.
If you are wondering why these world destruction documents have been posted online and remain there, it’s because the demonic forces need our ‘informed’ consent. They have no power over humans other than what we give them.
This is written to inform you, for the protection of your children, and future generations. There is a tremendous amount of data that has been blocked by media propaganda, since WWII. Even all the books in today’s libraries and schools were rewritten and distributed during the 1970s, replacing University and school library books and encyclopedias, in all fields of Science, Health, Agriculture, Education, Technology, etc., throughout North America.
It’s a long story that I have been aware of since a very early age, as my Father fought in WWII and returned broken and legless, with stories of horrors, one cannot imagine. He found documents that, in haste, were left behind in a deserted German camp, in Holland. He put them in his jacket, brought them home and had them translated in 1965, two years after I witnessed JFK’s assassination, live on WKBW TV.
I came home late one night from babysitting and found my father sitting at the dining table, ‘stump’ socks on - wooden legs off, in his usual inebriated state for that time of day, hovering over some papers spread over the table. He was attempting to write a letter to the Governor General of Canada, Judy LaMarsh, and asked for my assistance.
I was astounded by what I read in these documents, dated late 1930s, of how the Nazi’s planned to continue the war after the war, by infiltrating into all high ranking governing positions, in the U.S. to spread propaganda … then later into Canada and throughout the world … They have done just that … which my father and I both witnessed in 1978 - he at the North Bay library and me at a University library in Toronto … the same day.
We witnessed the librarians throwing out boxes and boxes of books … encyclopedias, history, science, biology, spiritual texts, British texts, etc. My father asked the Librarian why they were doing this. She responded that they were offered all new texts and encyclopedias, for free, if they burned these books. He asked if he could take some of them home, and they said ‘sure’! I became the proud owner of these when he passed in 1980 … These include the “Man, Myth and Magic” series, several spiritual books, such as “A World Beyond” by Ruth Montgomery, Art History books and much more.
In our pristine state we are eternal Beings, consciously connected to the Universal Source of all Creation - God as LOVE - Life’s Omnipotent Verities Eternal. We are the creators of world, by how we think, move and be. The ‘demons’ have no power over anyone, other than what we give them by our consent. They tempt humans via shame, blame, guilt and FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real), as rewritten into the Vatican Bibles, since the 3rd century, under the pagan worship of King Constantine (will save this story for another day)!
When we fall for the lies and deceit, due to fear, we lower our vibratory frequency and open a crack in our armor of Light. However, when we know the Truth and stand in our power, nothing can touch us. As we raise our vibration, we Unite with the Universal force of All That Is. Remember who and what you truly are, in the knowing that you entered the Earth as LOVE - Life’s Omnipotent Verities Eternal. When we exit, that is what leaves our Earthly spacesuit ~ One Love!
Recently, I was invited to speak on Life Force Canada, a group of concerned and well-informed holistic loving beings, about PEACE School and my life journey from receipt of the MMR poison and NDE at age 2, which led to a grade 1 vision of education as it should be… I saw it as ‘all wrong’ for children and imagined how I would change it when I grew up… to create PEACE Schools worldwide. I received a wonderful response and desire to launch a PEACE School in southern Ontario… You can view the story and presentation here “Love Heals All!”11
The Truth Revealed about the Deadly 1918 Spanish Flu -
As the 1918 Flu Emerged, Cover‑Up and Denial Helped It Spread -
1986 The Act by Andrew Wakefield
The 1974 Kissinger Report -
How Many Vaccines Did Kids Get in the 1960s? -
CDC Report on Autism Spectrum Disorder -
Dr. Andreas Noack's research revealing hazards of graphene hydroxide in vaxxes acting as tiny razors cutting through veins:
Gates the New Hitler & His World Depopulation Plan -
Rockefeller “Lockstep Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” -