Friday, November 22, 1963 … Where were you on that fateful day?
I love, admire and followed John Fitzgerald Kennedy from the first speech he delivered to the American peoples and the world … I will never forget one of the most memorable days that shook the Earth and altered my life trajectory, to where I am today. With every detail emblazoned in my mind, I knew what the media reported was a blatant lie. I vowed to unveil and reveal the Truth ... and I have, 60 years later … beyond belief!
Every event that has occurred throughout this life has led to this moment in time, connecting the historical dots from Jesus the Christ, to King Constantine and the Vatican (3rd century), to continuous wars including the crusades, to the Rothschild ‘banksters’ (17th century), then to Standard Oil Tycoon, Freemason and Eugenicist JD Rockefeller and his 1880s “Secret Covenant” and creation of Pharma. This was followed by JDR’s takeover of all Holistic schools of medicine, and production of chemical poisons blended in with the natural healing products, food and cosmetic products, including his 1916 patented meningitis ‘vaccine’, which was distributed to all the soldiers worldwide, before they marched off to WWI, killing off 2/3rds of the world population. Like today, they even had masking policies, and ventilators with patients confined and isolated in darkened rooms.
On November 22nd, 1963, I attended my grade 6 class, at Martha Cullimore Public School in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Our teacher, the handsome and brilliant Mr Blackwell, who was a History buff, enamored with politics and the Stock Market, informed us that we were in for a special treat, as he wheeled in a black and white TV and plunked it directly in front of me, at the front of the classroom … just 5 feet away. He was beaming and very excited!
Once everyone settled in their seats, he proclaimed that we were about to witness one the most historic events of the century. President John F. Kennedy was to be in a parade in Dallas Texas, after which he would present a speech and announcement that would change the lives of every North American… forever!
He turned on the black and white TV and we watched the motorcade parade with great anticipation and expectation. Jackie Kennedy was beautiful in her pink suit with pill box hat, with John, brilliant and handsome as ever, entered the convertible and waved to the massive crowds at the beginning of the parade. I was very aware of all the people lining the streets with excitement, Jackie and JFK beaming and waving back… Then recall the commentator questioning a turn that was made, rerouting of the parade from the original plan to go directly down Main St???
As the motorcade took a detour, one of the Secret Service men, jumping to his place on the back of the car, was ordered to step down! He spun around with his hands raised in question, as if to say, “What the H—-!
My psychic instincts and adrenaline suddenly kicked in, with a knowing that something was terribly wrong . . . The horror show began! From that moment, the scene played out in my mind in slow motion, much like when I was involved in a motor vehicle accident. I heard and saw every shot fired … The first to the right shoulder of the service man in the front seat, who fell to his left – no longer protecting the President, and blocking the camera view of the driver, William Greer, who slowed down - rather than speed up when the shooting began. There are allegations that JFK’s Irish driver, fired the shot to his throat, with a special close range pistol. JFK grabbed his throat with his right hand. As Jackie turned to see what happened, another shot was fired from below (a sewer) hitting under JFK’s right ear, taking out a piece of the left lobe of his skull. Jackie scrambled on the trunk of the car to retrieve it!
The entire grade six class was in utter shock… Mr Blackwell fell to his knees on the floor, buried his face in his hands and began sobbing . . . We were all stunned and bewildered. The School secretary entered the room and we were all told to pack up our books and go home !
It was a long 1 mile walk home, throughout which I was in a daze with those traumatizing images playing over and over in my mind. When I arrived home, the TV was on with an emergency broadcast replaying what I had just witnessed live. The Earth stood still . . . the beginning of the end!
There was also news later that day, which cited that Cuban Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK from the 6th floor of the Rectory. I instantly knew this was a blatant lie. How could anyone from the 6th floor shoot JFK in the throat … or the man in the front seat in the shoulder? There is a photo of LHO standing in the door of the
As I reviewed the discrepancies in the media broadcast, I vowed that one day, I would discover the truth… and although it took a few decades, all the bits and pieces have fallen into place … everything is connected … and I mean everything! Especially the real reason behind the assassination . . . abhorrent evil and demonic greed!
Searching through historic photos of the events online, I have found a number of pix doctored to disguise the Truth, such as those of the Governor and his wife on a bench in the middle. As you can see in the B & W photo above, of the Secret Service man with his hands in the air… The car is a lighter colour (not black), 2 bench car, with only Jackie and JFK in the back seat. Many evidential photos have vanished or are doctored, perhaps a coverup by the perpetrators (LBJ, CIA, DOD, DARPA, Banksters)?
It is known, via reams of factual evidence, which have been buried under propaganda, that President Kennedy was shot from a sewer directly below the Rectory, while Lee Harvey Oswald was setup by CIA on the 6 floor, as a patsy. In fact, there was a photograph taken that showed him standing on the street, watching the parade. If he was guilty, why did Mafia Chief Jack Ruby shoot him rather than let justice take its course . . . perhaps to silence him? What was Jack Ruby’s role in the conspiracy, and why did CIA Director George H W Bush coin the term “Conspiracy Theorist” with a negative spin? What was his involvement?
A Theorist is one who has compiled statements or principles based on thoroughly researched facts and/or phenomena. ‘Conspiracy’: An agreement among a group to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. Therefore a “Conspiracy Theorist” is one who theorizes about a group, who have made an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful or subversive act!
Ask yourself, Why would a measly little Cuban, who worked for the CIA, want to assassinate President Kennedy, and figure that the 6th floor would be the perfect place to do it from, especially since the parade plan was to take the shortest route, directly only rerouted to that street the night prior? Why were the Secret Service men pulled off the back of JFK’s car just before the shots were fired? Why did the car slow down instead of speed up after the first shots were fired?” And finally, “How did they know exactly where to setup the cameras, particularly to capture the deadly shot that shook the world?”
The real killer, revealed decades later, the man who shot from below, in the sewer was CIA hitman, Charles Harrelson (Woody Harrelson’s father). Charles was also used for future “hits”… (He went on to murder Alan Harry Berg in May 1968, Sam Degelia, and U.S. District Judge John H. Wood Jr, May 1979)… all in the state of Texas.1 All that I uncovered years ago has since been obliterated or masked beyond recognition.
Most importantly, when JFK’s casket arrived in Washington and was opened for Jacqueline Kennedy, why did she repeat, “That’s not Jack! That’s not Jack!”? And finally, why was there a second plane flying alongside JFK’s plane to land at the same airport, simultaneously?
Could it be that Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippet’s body was doctored to make it appear that JFK was shot from above and in the back of the head? Tippet was also assassinated on that same day and his body mysteriously disappeared. J.D. resembled “Kennedy so much that even his friends on the Dallas Police Department called him ‘Jack’ and ‘JFK’ just to rib him.” Officer Tippit was killed about 40 minutes after JFK for a very special purpose, i.e. so that the conspirators could perform a body switch literally in order to get away with the murder of the President of the United States.” 2
Prearranged Murder of JD Tippit3
There is a wonderful documentary movie that was produced by Francis Richard Conolly, “JFK to 911, Everything’s A Rich Man’s Trick.” This is an excellent detailed account of events which takes us back to previous 20th century war times, revealing how the dark elite bloodlines of demons, who orchestrated the assassination evolved. I connected with Francis online in 2018 and discussed a re-cut of the film, for which he was seeking funding. He reveals many of the answers, although there are more that these demons have buried deep … yet are soon to be uncovered and they will all be held accountable for, when they meet their maker … in Hell!
One of these answers revealed the names of the conspirators:
The night before the assassination, Lyndon B Johnson met at the mansion of Oil Tycoon, Clint Murchison with past CIA Director Allen Dulles (fired by JFK) and then Director GHW Bush, FBI Dir. J Edgar Hoover, FBI Associate Dir. Clyde Tulson, Brown brothers Harriman and Cliff Carter, Governor John Connally, Senator Ralph Yarborough, Dallas mafia Joseph Civello, Dallas Mayor Earl Cabell, Chase Manhattan Bank Chair John J. McLoy, Crime Boss Carlos Marcello, Mafia Chief Jack Ruby, Richard Nixon, Oil Tycoon Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Amon G. Carter Jr. (media) and CIA hitman Charles Harrelson. Was this gathering to organise or finalize the details of the re-routing of the cavalcade to orchestrate an assassination of JFK?
After the gathering, LBJ came out to greet his girlfriend Madelaine Brown and, in anger, grabbed her arm and said, “After tomorrow those S.O.B.s will never bother me again … and that’s no threat . . . That’s a promise!”
In a murder investigation, the victim’s enemies are often looked at first. With this in mind, it was well known that Kennedy strongly opposed the military-industrial complex, which included the Federal Reserve and the C.I.A., of which he fired Director Allen Dulles!
Could this be part of the ‘why’ JFK was killed? LBJ was very aware of meetings of JFK and President Soekarno, and also aware of the Green Hilton Agreement they signed November 14, 1963, in Geneva Switzerland with William Vouker. Why did LBJ never mention this, nor rescind “Executive Order 11110” after the assassination?
There are many details that others have discovered. However, what led up to this heinous crime has never been fully revealed to the masses. The key element that is missing in the movie is the motivation behind the assassination. What was the brilliant announcement that JFK was planning to make to the world? Why did these eccentric, gold hungry ‘elite’ demons want to shut up and snuff out this Saint, John F Kennedy, who only wished prosperity for all mankind? Have you ever wondered?
In summary, on November 22, 1963, a conspiracy was launched, by one who worked close with President Kennedy, who was aware of his plan to announce the enactment of Executive order 11110, established June 4, 1963 who had also met President Soekarno, the M1 (Monetary 1), keeper of all the Keys, codes and certificates to the treasures of all the kingdoms, for safe keeping from the Rothschilds, bequeathed to the peoples of the world, since 1931. In 1945, at the end of WWII, it was President Soekarno, owner and President of the World Bank, who provided gold to the world central banks, so currency would be gold backed and all humanity may live free and prosperous lives. He was also the founding father of Unity, Peace and ‘Merdeka’ ‘Freedom’ for all Indonesians, via the “Pancasila” signed and delivered to the world August 17, 1945, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Pancasila (pronounced [pantʃaˈsila]) is the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state.[1] Pancasila consists of two Old Javanese words (originally from Sanskrit): "pañca" meaning five, and "sīla" meaning principles. It comprises five principles held to be inseparable and interrelated:
Belief in the absoluteness of God (in Indonesian,
Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa).
Just and civilized humanity (in Indonesian, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil danBeradab).
The unity of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Persatuan Indonesia).
Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives (in Indonesian, Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan Perwakilan).
Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Keadilan Sosial bagi seluruh Rakyat Indonesia). (pray)
The full History and much online information has since been altered, censored or wiped off the internet by the creators DARPA, “Google” or Soros paid “fact checkers”… or rewritten in Wikipedia, which was stolen from creator Larry Sanger in 1998.
The Rothschilds, who from their inception in the 1700s, have initiated and funded all world wars, since Napoleon’s Waterloo, with a contract for repayment in gold only. In teaming with the Rockefellers, this is how they have taken over all the world’s central banks by declaring war on them. Iran and Syria were the last two ‘Central’ banks stolen by the Rothschilds. worldwide.4
The creation of the Federal Reserve,5 under the Corporation of the District of the State of Columbia, is instrument in the takeover of the US Treasury in 1913, via the Federal Reserve Act, created by President Woodrow Wilson, with 12 US regional banks representing diverse regions of the USA. Rockefeller, Chase, Morgan, etc., all have vested interests and control of the peoples inheritance, via this Corporations’ holdings of the dowries of every citizen, via their corporate Birth Certificate (All Caps), assigned by the Vatican at birth, as property of the Crown.
Each newborn comes into the world with a dowry valued at $7 million in today’s standards. However, via the Federal Reserve and the UCC, the banksters are stealing it from everyone. President Kennedy wanted to change that and give the wealth back to the ‘people’, the inheritors of the Earth.
Elder Masons who worked at the Federal Reserve with Bankers of the Bank of International Settlements / BIS (Central Bank of the World Bank) visited Indonesia. Through a meeting with President Soekarno, they said that in the name of humanity and the prevention of the re-occurrence of a recent world war and the destruction of all the countries involved, each country must reach an agreement to utilize the Gold collateral owned by each country for humanitarian programs. And all countries agreed on it, including Indonesia.
Finally, there was an agreement that the gold-gold property of eastern countries (Asia) is to be submitted to the Federal Reserve to be managed in humanitarian programs. In exchange, the Asian countries receive Bonds and Gold Certificates as a mark of ownership. Some of the countries involved are Indonesia, China and the Philippines.
But a few years later, Sukarno began to realize that the agreement between the eastern and western countries (Jewish Bankers and world financial institutions) was not run as it should. Soekarno dissed the rotten conspiracy of the Jewish Bankers who were part of Freemasonry.
No humanitarian programs are run using the collateral. Soekarno protested violently and soon realized that the eastern countries had been deceived by the International Banksters. At that time the United States was trapped in massive debt after being involved in world war, President JFK wanted the country to print money without debt.
On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.6 Mr. Kennedy’s order gave the Treasury the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation.
Those of the Rothschild, Rockefeller and the like incestuous bloodlines (aka the 1% elite), perceived JFK as an obstacle to their satanic intent. They carefully conspired a plan to collapse and destroy any ray of hope for this God inspired man to succeed in freeing the Nation.
Early in his Presidency, JFK formed a binding relationship with President Sukarno, which deeply threatened Lindon B Johnson and the Federal Reserve. Finally, Sukarno canceled the agreement with the Jewish Bankers and transferred the gold-gold rights to President Kennedy.
On November 14, 1963, just eight days before the assassination, at the Hilton Hotel in Switzerland, JFK, Soekarno and William Voulker, representing Switzerland, signed the "Green Hilton Memorial Agreement”,7 the most expensive deed in the world. This triangle agreement was made as a continuation of an MOU that was conducted in 1961. The US Government recognizes the existence of the 57 thousand tons of pure gold, consisting of 17 packages of gold, today worth $3,285,183,144,000 US. It became collateral for the US financial world, whose operations are carried out by the Swiss Government through United Bank of Switzerland (UBS), of which President Soekarno holds assets, in addition to being owner and President of the World Bank.
LBJ was aware of the ‘golden’ shipment of 57,000 tons of gold, which would have annihilated the US $3 trillion debt to the Chinese, and knew of the announcement that was to be made in Dallas on that fateful day. This would also interfere with his narcissistic obsession to be President of the USA.
Just five months after JFK was assassinated, no more silver certificates were issued. The Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President via an Executive Order and is still valid. Why then has no President utilized it?
Virtually all of the nearly $6 trillion of debt has been created since 1963, and if a U.S. President had utilized Executive Order 11110 the debt would be non existent. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was intended to warn future Presidents, who may consider eliminating the U.S. debt, by eliminating the Federal Reserve’s control over the creation of money. President Trump, who was close to John Kennedy Jr., planned and perhaps did repeal the Order, yet was overshadowed by the corrupt Biden election, designed once again to thwart US residents from receiving their rightful dowry.
The conspirators desire was and still is, to squash the creative conscious Light of Love inherent in all mankind, to destroy all God’s creations, and to own the world’s gold.
These evil alien demons, with selfish focus on material wealth, abhorred Kennedy and Soekarno’s kindhearted, selfless intent for freedom and prosperity for all mankind. In addition, they attempted to obliterate ALL information regarding JFK’s connection with President Soekarno, particularly the Green Hilton Agreement, and kept the gold, which was quietly shipped off to the Phillipines and the Vatican much later, in 1978.
This group of conspirators were also aware that if JFK were to succeed in this benevolent act, it would remove the ‘banksters’ control of the Federal Reserve ‘holdings’, under the District of Columbia, and put an end to their domination over world banking, particularly via the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) that they created in 1953, under the guise of facilitating business transactions across state lines.
After the assassination of JFK, in September 1965, the US CIA, under the direction of LBJ and then CIA Director George H.W. Bush, with the assistance of Soekarno’s General Soharto and Lolo Soetoro (Barrack Obama’s stepfather)8, orchestrated a plan designed to besmirch and destroy President Soekarno, take control of his World Bank, plus uncover and pillage the hidden warehouses, where masses of gold and platinum bars were hidden throughout Indonesian farming country.9
This was called the GS30, where almost 3 million innocent men women and children were brutalized and massacred, over 3 years, under the guise of communism. Soetoro made a deal with GHW Bush to orchestrate the hunt of the treasures, via massacre of innocent farmers and their families, on the grounds that Bush take care of and raise Barrack. President Soekarno was put under house arrest, until he died of kidney failure in July 1970, because they would not provide him the necessary health care. Soekarno died in died in 1970 of kidney failure. They never found the warehouses.
Please note that all history, science, health, etc. books and information online have been rewritten since the 1960s, to hide the Truth of these great humanitarian warriors. In addition, many powerful books were burned since 1978 in US and Canada, just as the Khazarian mafia did in Nazi Germany, during WWII, under the guise of “propaganda”.
It is unfortunate that the fulfillment of JFK’s intended actions may well have restored the wealth to the people, via the US Treasury and created sovereign freedom for all peoples.10 Our Corporate Birth certificates would no longer be traded on, as our dowry of wealth would be restored to the Sovereign people, along with our God given Rights and Freedom. (JFK vs The Federal Reserve)
It’s time to wake up all humanity and take back our God given Freedom and power of our Sovereign Being and the land, over which the corporate de-facto governments have no jurisdiction. “I do not Consent” is our mantra! Love is our Shield and Truth is our Sword! Wake up and rise up to your highest potentiality!
“Only those who consciously acknowledge God as the Source and Essence of their being as LOVE will survive the Apocalypse . . .”
A message given to me in four prophetic astral visions from the Pleiadeans, January 1971 - December 1978
Story of real killer of JFK - Charles Harrelson:
This article has been blocked:
Prearranged murder of Harvey and Tippit:
A Brief History of Rockefeller/Rothschild Empire: /2016/05/13/a-brief-history-of-the-rockefellerrothschild-empire/
Birth of the Federal Reserve -
JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve In 1963:
The Green Hilton Agreement
Obama connection with Lolo Sotoro via GHW Bush GS30 massacre 1965-67
Proof that Soeharto & CIA GHWB orchestrated SG30 massacre
JFK Vs The Federal Reserve: -
That's a good question. I have downloaded some of it over the years, but it's hard to find today. You can view much of it in the film JFK to 911, Everything's a Rich Man's Trick. Excellent movie, yet missing the info about President Soekarno (aka Sukarno). I sat on the Council of his descendent (beneficiary) for 4 years, did all the research and media. I have a ton more evidence of the corruption dating back to the 1700s. ... and further. I just found this on YouTube - - Hope this helps.
Good stuff Sterry - you might like my post here:
Also, this interview of someone claiming to be the shooter and his book:
Growing up in the 60's I know my Dad hated LBJ. I had always believed that we, the US, first put a man on the moon, but I'm just now learning that that is BS. JFK would never have allowed that lie to occur, however megalomaniac psychopath LBJ would. A year ago, after awakening to many revelations, I started a website in an effort to write a book - American Brainwashed: