That's a good question. I have downloaded some of it over the years, but it's hard to find today. You can view much of it in the film JFK to 911, Everything's a Rich Man's Trick. Excellent movie, yet missing the info about President Soekarno (aka Sukarno). I sat on the Council of his descendent (beneficiary) for 4 years, did all the research and media. I have a ton more evidence of the corruption dating back to the 1700s. ... and further. I just found this on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie5XMXZvB_Y - Hope this helps.

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Good stuff Sterry - you might like my post here: https://philberg.substack.com/p/remembering-and-honoring-jfk-60-years

Also, this interview of someone claiming to be the shooter and his book:



Growing up in the 60's I know my Dad hated LBJ. I had always believed that we, the US, first put a man on the moon, but I'm just now learning that that is BS. JFK would never have allowed that lie to occur, however megalomaniac psychopath LBJ would. A year ago, after awakening to many revelations, I started a website in an effort to write a book - American Brainwashed:


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Thank you. Excellent observations ... you have hit the nail on the head... There are many layers to what you have discerned that go back centuries and civilizations. The Earth is intended as a playground for the Gods... It came about after the destruction of Mars, which was very Earth like before it was taken over by the same "Alien satanic Destroyers" who entered Earth at the end. of the Lemurian age. The question is, how do those who know wake up the world to the Truth of our existence, that has been shrouded in shame, blame, guilt and FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real, via propaganda, that goes back to the 3rd century Vatican rewrite - under pagan worshipper King Constantine - of the the Magi's 90 AD Scriptures of the Saints and Sages of the Ages.

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Just noticed your comment while updating this article, as I see more BS stories coming out based on doctored photos and film footage. Amazing what we can do in the media industry... All smoke and mirrors. Just a week ago Monday, the Archives and WayBack Machine were shut down. I don't doubt a lot of doctoring has taken place there, since it launched in 1998. Nice website ... There is so much more behind these stories that go back centuries and civilizations. When I was 10 years old, I vowed to find out the Truth behind the corruption... and I have. It is quite a story! We are here to wake up and rise up to our fullest potential as Divine conscious beings ... to discover who and what we really are in essence as LOVE and One with our Creator! This is the Apocalypse - Revelation of Truth. When we stand in that knowing and power, and "Do Not Consent!" to the evil (live spelled backwards), the demons have no power over us. They can only take what we give them by our consent. Live in the present, Love and Forgive yourself ... and "Forgive them for they know not what they do!"

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I was 3.

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So powerful, your memories of that day. I can see how that would change the trajectory of your life.

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This is the first time I heard that the JFK visit to Dallas and his assassination was shown live on TV. I doubt your claim that you watched it all on TV.

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The CIA blocked the news that it was live. I was living in Niagara Falls and it was shown on WKBW. The criminals have tried to block the truth all the way. There are several others who witnessed the assassination live on television. People have been programmed and hoodwinked by the media, which has been propagandized by DARPA - aka Google since 1940s. I have worked in the television and film industry since 1978 and watched the corruption and media manipulation that has arisen since I was a child in the 1950s. The entire world has been propagandized and programmed by media since WWI!

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I also have followed the JFK assassination in great detail. But I have been unaware of TV coverage. Of course there is the Zapruder home movie, which we have all seen many times. Please let me know where one can see the live TV coverage of that day. Thank you

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That was back in 1963 when there was no internet. It was aired on WKBW in Buffalo, which is the station we received from across the border in Niagara Falls. I have no doubt that the perpetrators have attempted to obliterate that memory to destroy footage and all mention that it was presented live on TV. There were many events that were presented live across the airwaves including radio and television shows. I find it appalling that some have as much as called me a liar. Evidence that "programming" in the US, by the Khazarian Mafia since 1930s really works. Trust No One!

Trust only in the Creator God and Christ Consciousness. All media has been propagandized since then, and designed to program the mind via FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real ... They have done a great job of it as the majority of the world has fallen for the demonic lies. Earth is a garden of Eden intended for the God's ... a Heaven on Earth in a 3D 5 sense world ... These demons who have been here for centuries and civilizations, snuck in through a wormhole, and are turning Earth into Hell. That is why they strike fear into everyone - it lowers your vibratory frequency. Stand in your power of LOVE Light and do not consent ... The dark cannot touch the Light.

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I know others who also watched it live on TV. I find it interesting that there were cameras positioned exactly where the assassination took place right under the window where Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly fired the deadly shot (he was actually downstairs watching the parade - there is a photo of him - he wasn't told to shoot - just to sit there and wait). There were cameras positioned from the beginning of the parade to where the motorcade turned from the main street and veered off where there were no crowds around the grassy knoll? It was broadcast all over America and I am certain others who were in school at that time, would have viewed it as well. I was in my grade 6 classroom in Niagara Falls. I know what I saw ... I have a photographic memory. Doubting doesn't do anything for the doubters.

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