'Quo Warranto' ~ Under Whose Authority? Norm Traversy Proves Crown Has No Authority In Canada!
Were His Efforts Successful... You Be The Judge! ~ Update
“United we stand . . . divided we fall!” What is the significance of this simple statement that resounds throughout the ages? What does it mean to Unite … and how may the collective ‘We’ accomplished this daunting feat, with an onslaught of destruction, division and multitudinous odds that we appear to face daily. Is this WWIII?!
Are you aware that the greatest weapon of mass destruction is “PROPAGANDA”? This is the ‘secret’ weapon that was used by J.D. Rockefeller leading up to WWI (1914-18), with installation of radio towers worldwide to reach the masses… The beginnings of the multi-media programming of world populations, spreading ‘fear porn’ of a virus and the distribution of the meningitis ‘vaccine’ to all soldiers before sending them off to war. These injections killed 2/3rds of the world population starting.1
Rockefeller contributed a plethora of chemical poisons to the world stage, most of them banned, then brought back under a pseudonym, including saccharin (artificial sweeteners), ‘agent orange’ (chemo) that kills everything in its path, and his 1935 patented Avian flu ‘corona virus’ from a bat (now Sars-CoV2), along with gas chambers and multiple chemical experiments on POWs in WWII concentration camps (polio vaccine, thalydomide2). In 1936, this world depopulation plan, via programmed mind control, was further inspired and advanced, by Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebel, via a simple statement from Edward Bernais 1928 book, ‘Propaganda’ – which states, “Those who control the media control the masses!”2
WWII never ended. It continued via infiltration into the US, which began in the 1930s. This was with the intent to take over all high governing positions, via propaganda, the rewriting of history in all books, then infiltration into Canada and the world. The 1974 Kissinger Report,3 along with Rockefeller’s 2010 Lockstep4 a 90% depopulation plan, between 2020 and 2050, has been in full swing since the early 1800’s, starting with JD Rockefeller’s delivery of the “Secret Covenant3”.
Propaganda has since been used in television and radio ‘programs’ (DARPA & CIA controlled), influence and control via internet and cell phones. In 1986, Pharma bought control of mainstream media worldwide, following release of “1986 The Act” 4
So what does this have to do with PM Justin Trudeau, son of Castro. Like Hitler, Trudeau had dark secrets and past influences and dark secrets. He was easily blackmailed and bribed, before he took office as PM of Canada.
In a ‘secret’ meeting with Bill Gates and Barack Obama at the December 2015 Paris Climate talks, Justin sold the synthetic mRNA (Acuitas Lab - family investment) and Sars-CoV2 spike protein (US banned November 2015-Fauci moved to Winnipeg Lab), to Gates owned and funded, since 2000, Wuhan Lab, for $500 million, plus a $40 kickback for every dose sold worldwide from the Ukraine Bio Labs. He has been pushing it like a drug dealer ever since. In 2022, Russia discovered biolabs in the Ukraine and started blowing them up to protect the world.
Trudeau then shipped $30 billion and the entire CDN Military budget and equipment, to them to protect his ASSets. This outside the realm of his responsibility as a Prime Minister … under the Crown?
Under whose authority is Justin acting. It is certainly not for the people, and if this is being overlooked by the Governor General … this is TREASON!
Wake up world, do your research! CIA Director, GHW Bush, in 1963, coined the term “Conspiracy Theory” as a negative, to distract the world from the Truth that he, LBJ, Morgan, Chase, Clint Murchison and 15 other Nazi mafia and Banksters were complicit in the orchestration of JFK’s assassination6 … It’s all about the money honey!
“Choose you this day whom you will serve . . . God (Heart/LOVE) or mammon (ego/money)!”
QUO WARRANTO: Hero Norman Traversy, US Maj.GEN Vallely, Serve Canada’s Gov. General, Nuremberg Next?
Norman Traversy, a resident of Ottawa and #1 Canadian Hero, has revealed a plethora of conspiracies initiated by a man who operates under the guise of a “Prime” Minister! He was dubbed Firefighter of the Year, after being severely injured saving someone's life, in a severe truck accident. While plagued by intense pain and PTSD, His Mississauga Chief and Workplace Insurance board defrauded him of his benefits and Norman lost everything, his home, his wife and means to make a living.
Norm has since been pursuing Trudeau, on behalf of all Canadians; presenting evidence that Justin is an intrinsic part of a global criminal cartel.7
He was a driving force behind the Canadian Trucker movement, and also has information about JT’s role in the Pickton Pig Farm,8 the Canadian version of Epstein Island, with which Trudeau was involved.
Norman is a man on a Mission ~ like David, who took Goliath out with a single stone from his slingshot. His weapon of choice may just do the trick . . . with the final blow to send Justin Castro right back to the dark hole he crawled out of!
It’s called a Quo Warranto! 5… What is a “Quo Warranto” you may ask?
What is it about Trudeau that Norman truly despises … besides the fact that he has created the greatest deficit, in Canadian history? Justin has bankrupted the country with a deficit, now of well over a staggering $60 BILLION! Under whose authority is he making these decisions that are deleterious to the entire country… and world.
After Trudeau gave the $30 billion plus to the Ukraine, the March 31, 2022 SEC Annual Report displayed a nose dive in Canada’s deficit. The only years that Canada was in the black, with a balanced budget were between 1998 and 2008, when Paul Martin was Finance Minister and PM. This chart was presented months before Justin sold the Crown Corp to China, which then drove ‘Canada’ into an over $60 billion debt! Chrystia Freeland, as the Finance Minister is fully responsible for this crime, which she and Trudeau orchestrated together. Perhaps Justin’s wife has some answers to why she left him high and dry.
July 2022 Budgetary Balance per GDP 1983 - 2022 from the Washington Securities Exchange Commission prior to gift of $30 billion to Ukraine and sale of Crown Corporation to China in November 2022
The word Quo-Warranto literally means “by what warrants?” or “what is your authority?” The Writ of Quo-Warranto is that which is issued directing subordinate authorities to show under what authority they are holding the office. If a person has usurped a public office, the Court may direct him not to carry out any activities in the office or may announce the office to be vacant.
The Writ of Quo-Warranto cannot be issued to a person working in a private field. This writ is issued to a person in an office, the legality of which is being questioned.
Conditions for issue of the Writ of Quo-Warranto
The office must be public and it must be created by a statue or by the constitution itself.
The office must be a substantive one and not merely the function or employment of a servant at the will and during the pleasure of another.
There must have been a contravention of the constitution or a statute or statutory instrument, in appointing such person to that office.
If all this doesn’t describe ‘elected’ government officials, who may not be acting in your best interest ... what does?
With the assistance of wise and devout friends and patriots, Norm has taken it upon himself to first, serve three (3) times, the Governor General of ‘Canada’, Mary Simon … the federal representative of the Canadian monarch, King Charles III who, by the way, is suffering pancreatic cancer and taking ‘leave’ of his duties! … and she has not responded. So, Norm took the next step, to appear in an Ontario Court and question the ‘authority’ of the residing Judges, who work for the Crown.
The hearing took place August 16, 2024, at the Ontario Court of Appeal's Purge Court, presided over by Justice Janet Simmons, Justice Julie Thorburn, and Justice Katherine van Rensburg. Norman Traversy appeared as the appellant. The purpose? To inform the Judges that Canada is at war, it’s UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice - USA), the Law of War. Bar members are unprivileged belligerents, and a citizens arrest may be made as they read the terms of recognizance.
In the hearing at the Ontario Court of Appeal, Justice Simmons began by addressing the case involving Norman. After confirming Traversy's presence, they referenced a previous endorsement from July 8, 2024, by Justice Coroza, noting that the Crown intended to quash the appeal and was supposed to file an application to that effect. They asked Crown attorney David Friesen, "Was that done?" Friesen admitted, "No, that was not done," explaining there may have been some miscommunication.
When asked if he received the court's endorsement from July 8, 2024, Traversy replied, "No." Friesen clarified that the endorsement was included as an attachment in his letter. Traversy had indeed received the letter in August which contained the endorsement from July.
Justice Simmons asked if anyone had anything further to add.
Norman Traversy responded that he had served three Quo Warranto writs to Mary Simon, whom he referred to as"the pretender to the Governor General of Canada." Traversy stated, "I've sent one in April, one in June and also in July. l've sent 3 now and she's ignored all three of them." He further explained, "I have asked for her Writ of Royal Authority, her letter patent signed by the Monarch. She has not provided anything. She has not even acknowledged that she's received these documents."
Traversy said he escalated the issue, "I have now written to Commander in Chief, Donald Trump and the other Judge Advocate Generals "JAGs” in the armed forces in the United States." He compared the situation to everyday professional credentials, stating, "If you go to a doctor, you will see the doctor's license on the wall. You go to a mechanic, or a dentist, you will see their licenses. All I'm asking for is for the license, the authority, the Writ of Authority for the Governor General, and that will not be provided, because she hasn't got one."5
Justice Simmons asked if anyone had anything further to add.
After further deliberation, the panel fled (ABANDONED) the Courtroom’, without providing any explanation. When this is done, the plaintiff automatically wins their case/matter. Norman remarked to the Crown Attorney, while the panel was absent, "You people need to get your act together." Norman was immediately disconnected from the virtual court hearing! The Judges, realizing they had no real authority, asked the IT person to remove him!
With Traversy no longer present, Justice Simmons announced the court's decision: "We have endorsed this matter as follows. The appellant has no plans to take steps to advance this appeal, as he challenges the authority of the courts. The appeal is therefore dismissed as abandoned." A copy of the court's endorsement was sent to Traversy.
In fact, the act of a Judge fleeing the court is a display that the Appellant won the case, as they had conceded. The colonial Courts have no authority over anyone who does not stand up to acknowledge them. They only have the power that “We the People” give to them by standing up and accepting their authority.
All who work for and under the “Crown” from the Prime Minister on down, must have in their possession a Writ of Royal Authority from the Governor General; because they are in fact a deputy of the Governor General... And if that Governor General has no record of Royal Authority, then they have No authority!
The way it works is, the Writ of Royal Authority is written by the Monarch to the Governor General, because the Prime Minister suggests who he would like to be his Governor General. Of course, it's a rubber stamp that is always acceptable. Then, the Monarch writes what is called a “Writ of Royal Authority” or a letter patent. And that outlines saying that “You are now my representative in Canada, and all my powers flow through you. And through your responsibilities and duties, then the Governor General presents that to the Prime Minister, saying “I am in charge now, and you can have a government.” Then the Supreme Court justices are deputies of the Governor General … right down to the Superior Court justices and the Federal court. They are all deputies of the Governor General and ministers of the Crown. What Norman has proven is that there is no ‘frickin’ Crown.
Having received no response from the Governor General, regarding the 3 Quo Warrantos that Norman sent via registered mail, he approached the National Archives, to determine if they could find anything in their records.
“Why is it that the National archives cannot provide anything, after two weeks of research, with three researchers, including the senior archivist?” The Archivist said, “maybe it's in the possession of the Governor General?” I said, “If it is, I sent her three ‘QUO WARRANTOs, and she has ignored them all … there is this machine called a scanner, that she could easily scan them and send them to me.”
The fact that the Governor General and the National Archives haven't produced them is clear evidence that she does not have them, and they don’t exist. This points to the fact that the Crown and all its ‘employees’, including judges, Courts, police, RCMP, and everything under the Crown, have NO jurisdiction or authority over the Corporation of Canada, or its citizens!
Perhaps we should call it the ‘Crown Corporation of Chinada’!
If anyone is interested in filing a Writ against the Crown, you may copy and paste the text below into a Word document, complete and file it on your own … Best with a group of like hearted beings, including someone who can quietly audio record the session.
Writ of Mandamus, from Ontario Court of Justice
File No. 23-J1401103 - 01 & 02
Form 14E
Courts of Justice Act
notice of application
Writ of Mandamus
notice of application
A LEGAL PROCEEDING HAS BEEN COMMENCED by the applicant. The claim made by the applicant appears on the following page.
THIS APPLICATION will come on for a hearing
x In person
☐ By telephone conference
☐ By video conference
at the following location 161 Elgin St. Ottawa K2P 2K1
(Courthouse address or telephone conference or video conference details, such as a dial-in number, access code, video link, etc., if applicable)
on …………………(day), ……………………..….. (date), at ………………….(time) (or on a day to be set by the registrar).
IF YOU WISH TO OPPOSE THIS APPLICATION, to receive notice of any step in the application or to be served with any documents in the application, you or an Ontario lawyer acting for you must forthwith prepare a notice of appearance in Form 38A prescribed by the Rules of Civil Procedure, serve it on the applicant’s lawyer or, where the applicant does not have a lawyer, serve it on the applicant, and file it, with proof of service, in this court office, and you or your lawyer must appear at the hearing.
IF YOU WISH TO PRESENT AFFIDAVIT OR OTHER DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE TO THE COURT OR TO EXAMINE OR CROSS-EXAMINE WITNESSES ON THE APPLICATION, you or your lawyer must, in addition to serving your notice of appearance, serve a copy of the evidence on the applicant’s lawyer or, where the applicant does not have a lawyer, serve it on the applicant, and file it, with proof of service, in the court office where the application is to be heard as soon as possible, but at least four days before the hearing.
Date .......................................................... Issued by ..................................................................
Local registrar
Address of court office ........................................................................................................................…………………………......
TO: Provincial Crown, Ottawa
1. The applicant makes application for:
A Writ of Mandamus ordering the matter be transferred from the OCJ to the SCJ for the determination of rights protected by the Canadian Bill of Rights (CBR).
2. The grounds for the application are:
The OCJ, a mere statutory court, lacks inherent jurisdiction to determine rights and fundamental freedoms - BNA of 1867 [96] and History of the SCJ- ON.
3. The following documentary evidence will be used at the hearing of the application:
Affidavits of Norman Traversy, Grace Joubarne,
Transcript of Traversy v Trudeau,
OCJ Form 1 Application- for Intervenor status with attachments.
1339 page Homicide Trial Record- http://www.executivereasoning.com/murder/GG.pdf
(Where the notice of application is to be served outside Ontario without a court order, state the facts and the specific provisions of Rule 17 relied on in support of such service.) NA
(Date of issue) Norman Traversy
1403 20 The Driveway
Ottawa, K2P 1C8
RCP-E 14E (September 1, 2020)
WWI - Rockefeller & Meningitis vaccine truth - https://robscholtemuseum.nl/russ-winter-the-truth-revealed-about-the-deadly-1918-spanish-flu-it-was-actually-bacterial-pneumonia/
Thalidomide caused massive deformities in babies still used in a variety of drugs- https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/thalidomide
The Secret Covenant - Eugenicist Standard Oil Tycoon JD Rockefeller's Masonic Creed & Birth of Pharmacology
Thank you, Susan. Do you have a link to the writ b/c the video link does not work https://easyupload.io/m/dg66xd