WARNING: All Canada's Mayors Sold You Off to the WEF
How One Ontario Town Took Back Their Power – ACT NOW!
Today, Mayors across Canada have already signed a deal with Satan - Klaus Schwab’s WEF – and handed ALL governance of “We The People” over to a De Facto government. They have plans to instill “15-minute Cities” (reservations) in our towns, cities and regions and revert all cash to the CCP credit system. Now they want our land and Soul.
While we were busy fighting for our lives … under the oppressive battery of viral ‘mandates’ and diabolical ‘restrictions’, imposed for a curable common cold ‘corona virus’ that killed .009% of the Chinese population, broadcast via a Pharma controlled media propaganda campaign, to instill FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) globally … the World Economic Forum (WEF) was ramping up its Rockefeller 2010 Lockstep Scenarios1, to control and depopulate the Earth by 90% between 2020 and 2050 … And it’s right on target.
All MPPs and MPs have been bribed handsomely, with your dowry and tax dollars, to keep their mouths closed, while they steal your soul property, then hand you the bill.
Canada is bankrupt! Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland2 gave $30 Billion plus to Ukraine, along with all CDA’s Military equipment and budget. He also sold the last vestiges of the Corporation of Canada to the Bank of Asia. Since 2022, Canada is no longer listed as a ‘Country’ (8880) on the Securities Exchange Commission, where Queen Victoria registered it in 1861. Canada is now listed as a Foreign Government (8888) along with all Canada Corporate entities.
It is important to note that the Corporation has NO jurisdiction over the land … although they have been raping and pillaging it since the first explorers and settlers landed here in the 1600s, building the Hudson’s Bay Company and declaring Rupert’s Land for the King. The Natives, who were born on Turtle Island thousands of years ago, are the keepers of the Creator’s Land, and the only entities who have jurisdiction over the land and its resources … with a potential to save our souls.
A true ‘Joan of Arc’ … One very intelligent and wise woman, Shelagh McFarlane, Guelph’s 2022 Mayoral candidate, has been doing her research. God Bless her! She has gone to bat not only for Guelph, but is assisting others with their stand to “take back our power”! Based on the Facts that the UNITED NATIONS is in control of ALL Canadian governments using, Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs)”, Shelagh created “The POGG Primer” “It’s Your Duty to Restore Peace, Order and Good Governance”3
On January 31, 2024, Shelagh joined Peggy Peterson in Huntsville, Ontario, to support the Town’s stand against the WEF. They were well received by the Huntsville Council and have set an example for all others across the country.4 They are an excellent example of what We MUST all do NOW, if we want to end this Tyranny and deadly divisive action, which will not cease until we all stand up and affirm that “We Do Not Consent!” Love Rules!
In the event you and your community wish to stand up to your Councils, below is the transcription of what was presented to the Huntsville Council.
Not only do they plan to take over our domain, they plan to either turn us all into Artificial Intelligence (AI) - or annihilate all Mankind. We are not of this demonic alien persuasion.
Much of the world population has already succumbed to this tyranny, via the injection of an unknown, untested experimental bioweapon, which was created in Gates funded, N Carolina U, Chapel Hill Lab, under Fauci’s 2002 patent and banned in the US, November 2015. 5
Fauci then shipped it to Canada’s Winnipeg Lab, where PM Justin Trudeau sold it for $500 million to Gates funded and owned Wuhan Lab, in December 2015, during the Paris Climate Talks. He also sold the mRNA from BC’s Acuitas Lab6, for a $40 kickback on every dose sold worldwide. He and his partner in crime, Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland have sold Corp Canada, our dowry … and their souls to Satan.
The only answer to restore Peace on Earth is to stand strong in Truth, in knowing who and what we really are in Love’s Light, as One with our Creator God and as the creators of our world. Stand United and strong in this knowledge, speak Truth, Love one another and no darkness will enter your field of Light.
Deputation Communities Are Rising Against WEF Agenda
Huntsville, January 31, 2024 - Transcript
My name is Peggy Peterson, and I am here today to speak directly to our elected public trustees, the Mayor and Councillors. However, this presentation will act as a Notice from the public to the City Municipal Corporation, its Officers, members and staff, and most notably to the CAO Denise Corey and the Clerk Tanya Calle. We undertake this deputation with the full support of hundreds of local men and women, Home and business owners in the Huntsville area.
We undertake this Deputation, with the full support of hundreds of local men women and home owners and business owners in the Huntsville area, and we are here to point out a serious problem, quite possibly breach of trust, and trust indentures, malfeasance of office, and a conversation of legal jurisdiction, without right.
This is leaving you all, including holding an incredible personal liability for everything you agree to and sign. So, please listen carefully.
At my side and is Shelagh McFarlane. She is here and as a consultant with experience in Municipal governments, and the author of the P.O.G.G. Primer, and she will be available to answer questions.
The P.O.G.G. Primer exposes the corporate hijacking that is happening in every municipality in Canada, using public, private partnerships and the International Treaty, the UN Agenda 21. Public private partnerships are legal “creatures” used to install a defacto global governing system instead of a local agenda. The United Nations agenda 2030 has our elected officials turn a local dominion of trust into international territory, by controlling the entire local election process and the inaugural ceremonies.
We think we are electing a public official for the office of the Mayor, as Public Trustee, as defined by federal legislation. But, instead we get a global strong Mayor under a secret declaration and everything they do becomes a secret.
The dangerous part of this agenda is that any local decisions can be made without any public input, by the signatures of only ‘two’ people; the Mayor and the CAO.
Covid lockdowns prove that these two officers can not only call a local emergency any time they want… but, they can put a needle in your arm using only a Municipal bylaw, like a parking ticket.
And I have people I know and care for deeply, who were affected and injured by these shots, including people that work in the town of Huntsville.
Moving on… Some questions many of us have now, when you say you have no power, that you're the only one bode at the table, I ask:
1. If you, as our elected public officials, are not the body in power and control … who is?
2. Whose orders are you following, because they certainly aren't coming from the public, and
3. If the Agenda’s ideologies like your climate emergency order, turn out to be unlawful and beyond your scope and purview, who do you think will be held liable?
The people in this community have many more questions for you, and they deserve answers! You deserve answers. Actually, we would suggest an old fashioned town hall at our lovely theatre. This will give you the opportunity to explain to the public the status of this enquiry and give you the opportunity to explain this status currently under control for the town of Huntsville. We hope to give you the opportunity to unravel this mess … and it is a mess … and restore the status of our elected officials to public trustee again.
We began as a nation with this type of governance. Now we are controlled by an entity, and ordered about by an international body of people, who are not only not elected, they're not in any way responsible for the town of Huntsville.
By the way, “climate change” is none of our business. We will show that to you at your climate change and environment committee meeting on February 12.
And Huntsville is not alone in this challenging process and it is challenging. It's happening across Canada. It's happening across Muskoka and around the world. The WEO and the United Nations are being exposed for tyrannical fraud. They are unelected, egocentrics who have a plan for another medical tyranny.
How do we move this forward? We carefully assess the situation and then, as community we which fix this.
People are clear, rich, the renters, the homeless, the people who suffer from poverty. Let's never forget that the people in Muskoka suffer for some of the worst poverty in Ontario. And I want to ensure that I clearly state on behalf of many people, that we are saying “NO” to any property tax increase. I'm going to say that again so you understand me clearly. This community is saying “NO” to any property tax increase. We know that the development fees and the additional taxes coming in here on an annual basis, from the clearcutting in the blasting of our community, that there is enough money for you to work with.
In closing, the 2022 election, brought many two-faces to this table. And it's a perfect opportunity to correct a fraudulent system. We're not saying any person is fraudulent. We’re saying we have a system that's fraudulent. And fraud vitiates fraud. Fraud vitiates fraud.
The reasons will become clear to you over time, how this happened in front of our eyes. It’s the planned takeover of your national sovereignty, and they choices as Counselors and Mayor and CAO are clear. Each of you must act lawfully and ethically. Each and everyone of you must do your own due diligence, your own research and decide for yourself the path forward. We ask you to address your oath.
Did you understand when you signed your declaration of office, if you're declaring not for your constituents, but of faithful to an un-coronated King.
I will read it to you. “I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King Charles the third.” This is the emergency order, received from the freedom of information request, a few pages.
The doctrine and the orders in this document shock me. The ‘whereas’ and ‘why fors’! We will address this on February 12. However, how can an emergency order on “Climate Change” with the lack of a signature. It doesn’t even tell me who has signed this or what office they are from.
So, what I'm saying is that we ask you to address your oath. And you can fix this by declaring an Oath as a public trustee, so you can be re-oathed. We can carry on business on some level. But, we have to fix the fraud. We suspect that once you’re confident that what we are sharing is true, you will do the right thing. Because when we know better were supposed to do better. Thank you.
Kitchener-Waterloo 15 min city. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/15-minute-city-kitchener-waterloo
Actually, Klaus Schwab of the WEF is being faithful to his handlers as follows.
June 2020, through the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset. https://www.royal.uk/prince-wales’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset
1783 Treaty of Paris was concluded between the King of Great Britain and the United States of America. The King, operating as Arch Treasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire, means 'the King works for the Vatican'.
The Oath of Allegiance Act in Canada requires every public official to take an oath to King Charles III. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/O-1/page-1.html
Isn’t taking an Oath to King Charles III, consent to one world government?
Isn’t voting for ‘any’ politician who takes an Oath to Charles III, consent to the great reset?