Thank you for noticing Tony... That is a typo!!! Fixed and updated. Appreciate it.

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Thanks S Terry for bringing the Secret Covenant to light. I've read the document but it's good to see it on SS. I had no idea it was hosted for public consumption on a UN website!!!

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S Terry, I think you have your date wrong for the smallpox vaccine study. You have 1989 not 1889.

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Thank you for the notice. Fixed, and reminded me I have written another article on that, which I will be posting shortly.

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Super awesome. Thanks.

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Perfect Timing......RFK's two movies on Fauci are available for 10 days ; free. Hope the links work. get this out there folks.



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Great article, we can only save ourselves. I say for those indoctrinated, brain washed or whatever, we have to give them compassion, and love. Is it there fault they are so screwed up when you look back and see the evil. By doing this we raise our vibration. The more we raise our vibrations maybe more of them will wake up. I have gotten rid of my anger at all of this, because that is what we get back. This is a great awakening where people need to realise that we can heal ourselves. Anything that mother earth does not provide, is evil. We need to beat them at their own game. Some heavy duty peace and love needs to go around our world and keep on keeping. I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. For those who do not wish to wake up and here the truth, they will perish and there is nothing we can do to save them. So lets save us that know the truth and seek peace and love the world around. Thank you Sterry for a great article, if only the brain washed would see this on mainstream media. Lets stop this evil. It is sad that we have lost those that refuse to see. I still try to awaken and will never stop seeking the truth. The problem is if they wake and see the evil and truth it will screw them up royally.

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No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist, we can pool resources and organize alternatives.

We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights.

Use this website to locate neighbours who are willing to organize local resistance and boycott any business, organization or institution that tries to enforce mask, vaccine or any other mandates in your town or city. The more of us that get involved, the safer each one of us becomes. There is strength in numbers, that is why it is so important to spread the word and organize locally. If a neighbour is hassled or treated unfairly then the local team can mobilize resources to help the victim.

One person can make a difference as this web site proves. After you register, please don’t wait. Reach out to others near where you live and begin a conversation. If no one else has registered yet in your community, spread the word locally yourself, post notices, print and distribute simple flyers. Take the lead and your energy will attract others. It will also boost your spirits to be doing something positive. Check back periodically to search for new members in your neighbourhood. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org

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Thank you Don... "We are the Ones we have been waiting for!"

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Wow 💛

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