Vaccination Proven Useless & Ineffective... in 1889!!!
45 Years of Registration Statistics Prove Vaccines Useless & Dangerous ... 135 years ago!
Over 135 years ago, after registration statistics in London England, Alfred R. Wallace’s thorough 45 year in-depth study investigation of the Smallpox vaccine is conclusive evidence that ALL so called ‘vaccines’ then … and now are completely useless and dangerous to all life forms – mankind and animals (pets and livestock). 1
In Alfred R. Wallace’s 1889 book, he prefaced;
“HAVING been led to enquire for myself as to the effects of Vaccination in preventing or diminishing Small-pox, I have arrived at results as unexpected as they appear to me to be conclusive. The question is one which affects our personal liberty as well as the health and even the lives of thousands; it therefore becomes a duty to endeavour to make the truth known to all, and especially to those who, on the faith of false or misleading statements, have enforced the practice of vaccination by penal laws…
The members of the London Society therefore appeal with confidence to the sympathy and support of their countrymen. They claim to enlist the energies not only of those who are opposed to Vaccination as useless and mischievous, but of those who, time to their faith in liberty, would leave its acceptance to the discretion of the individual.” Alfred Wallace
It’s the same old story 135 years later!!! When on Earth will humans stop chasing their shadows, wake up to the Light to realize that for centuries powerful spells and poisons have been cast over the planet, with intent to destroy the essence of all Divine Creation… LOVE? Just look around you. Where is that Spirit … the Heart and Soul of all existence?
A copy of the 1889 book miraculously popped up on my computer screen January 14, 2024. When I am in a fully present state of awareness, questing answers to present day situations, my Spirit Guide(s) magically drop pearls of wisdom in my lap. I have no idea where, when or how this information will appear on my screen. However, I am forever grateful, in the understanding that it is intended to share with the world.
Today, another addition to this story appeared on my desktop, previously posted in the London Times November 5, 1987:
Pharmaceutical comes from the ancient Greek word ‘pharmakea’ meaning, “producers of sorcery, occult and black magic” … Pharma is created by demons who entered the Earth civilizations ago, and known as the “Destroyers” on other planets, including Mars and the Pleiadeans original planet.
Over this one’s entire lifetime on Earth, I have been guided by Angels, gifted with the ability to see Ancient Truths, presented by the Saints and Sages of the Ages – not the tainted rewritten 3rd century “Bible” version of the demonic Vatican, who omitted over 70 Scriptures from the Essene Magi’s 90AD Bible, and shrouded the Word of God in blame, shame, guilt and fear … so humans put God outside themselves and lost faith in their own gift of life to Love and magically create a world of beauty and splendor.
Man is a Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical Being having a hue-man experience. Man holds the Divine power to Create and ability to heal the body with all that Nature provides. All things unnatural, chemical and pharmaceutical are POISON to God’s creations.
The movie “Heaven Is For Real”2 is a true story of a 4 year old boy who crossed over during a near fatal ruptured appendix operation. Soon after his heart flat-lined, he returned to tell the tale of his timeless experience. He witnessed the beauty and magic of the Eternal realm of LOVE - Life’s Omnipotent Verities Eternal - met his older sister, who died as a baby, and Jesus… then returned to tell the tale.
His account was almost identical to my own experience at age 2. Following receipt of the MMR Vaccine, I acquired pneumonia, scarlet fever and the mumps all at once, and the temperature soared to 109. As I left the body, I recall seeing my grandmother, who just arrived to visit for the first time sitting beside me.
I was hovering on the ceiling, over my lifeless body on the couch, arms folded across the chest. A petite, elderly woman’s left hand was resting on my folded arms. Her hair was white like snow with a purple tint; her dress was a solid cream colour, with little blue forget-me-knots dotting it. The smocked bodice top, buttoned up the front, with a collar. The sleeves were short, puffed, with a little cuff. Her voice was gentle, a slight crackle of desperation, repeating three or more times, “It’s alright dear … Hold on, dear… They’ll be here soon dear! Hold on...they’re coming. Please hold on!” I realized, “Oh that’s my grandmother! She’s lovely.”
I was then lifted through a mist - like taking off in a plane on a cloudy day – to a magical world, with magnificent music, greeted by a beautiful young woman, I learned 13 years later was my father’s Mother, Emily, who died when he was 10 years old. Next, I met a man named ‘Jesus’, whose turquoise eyes sparkled like diamond pools radiating pure love. His voice was rich, warm and resonant, enrapturing me in a profound blanket of peace. He first asked if I was comfortable … ”Yes!” …Then if I wanted to return to the body… to which I responded with an emphatic, “No! I love it here.”
I took Emily’s hand and walked through a magical forest of lush foliage, scintillating intensely in all the vibrant colours of the rainbow and beyond. I recall a bee landing on my hand and crawling up my arm, beautiful butterflies flitting by, rabbits, a fox leaping through the foliage and much more… such beauty! There was an enrapturing sound of angelic music everywhere … It was a timeless eternal experience beyond words of joy, peace, harmony and comfort … This music was profound and inspiring. Emily led me along a path through a most beautiful garden beyond imagination. The intense magical feeling of Love, comfort and peace embraced my conscious awareness of the eternal Oneness. I wished to remain here forever, never to return to the form.
All the beings I met along the path donned white robes, wrapped in brilliant, radiant dazzling auras… There were no words spoken, yet a conscious understanding of intention - perhaps telepathy was communicated. They asked how I was and if I wanted to return to Earth. “No way! I love it here! was my constant response
After exploring this magnificent realm, I approached Jesus, sitting at the head of an oblong oval white marble table with all those I met along the path around it. One was saying, “She doesn’t want to go… She loves it here.” Jesus looked at me and back at the this one, stating in a deep rich voice … “Yes, but it’s Not her time yet!” At the same moment his fist slammed down on a white marble table, my Mother unzipped the oxygen tent exclaiming, “Oh Suzi, you’re awake. I am so sorry you didn’t get to meet your grandmother.” I replied, “But, I did!” Then I described her to a tee, “purple tinted white hair, a cream coloured dress with forget-me-not’s all over it.” My Mother’s jaw dropped and not another word was spoken about the experience… my entire life. I thought this was just part of every day life. Only once did she come close to speaking about it…
In 1968, when I was 15, I’d had enough of an abusive father and decided to run away from home with plans to hitchhike to BC. My Mother decided she wanted to come too … along with a younger brother. We were at the lake in North Ontario, and my father had headed back to Niagara for work early that morning. My mother was hesitant to leave then, so I said it was her choice, but I was leaving the next day. I went to visit friends down the lake to say goodbye, and when I returned, she had the car packed up and said “Let’s go!”
We left at 10 pm and drove through the night along highway 17. I had fallen asleep, while she drove for several hours and had a vision dream that Mom had dozed off and was about to crash into a transport truck! I opened my eyes to see her eyes were closed, as we rapidly approached a truck a few car lengths ahead. I screamed … she awoke … then pulled over for a nap. When we were back on the road, she said, “I have always known that you are very special.” I replied, “Really?” … It ended there with another distraction, and not another word.
Almost 50 years later, after telling my oldest sister, about a book I read “Proof of Heaven” by Dr Eben Alexander. He was in a coma for 7 days following a bout with a rare form of spinal meningitis that ate 2/3rds of his neocortex. The doctor convinced the Mother to “pull the plug” as if he lived, he would be a complete vegetable she would have to take care of the rest of her life…
My sister said, “ I remember when that happened to you when you were two. After the vax you got pneumonia scarlet fever and the mumps all at once. Your temperature soared to 109. You were in a coma on life support in an oxygen tent for 2 weeks and the doctors at the hospital wanted to pull the plug on the 7th day, saying I would be a complete vegetable that Mom would have to care for the rest of her life.” She refused, brought me home and tended to me in an oxygen tent… Miracles happen every day.
Every event of this life, since that moment, has woven a mysterious path to unfold and unravel the Truth of the spiritual and demonic war that has plagued the planet for centuries and civilizations leading up to our present day Apocalypse … as outlined in “Revelations”!