As a multi-media producer and research journalist, who worked for all the networks in Toronto, since 1978, I have admired the writings of other distinguished authors. I witnessed the implementation of “The Act” in 19861, while working for Global Television, and the buyout by Pharma - ‘Pfizer’, ‘Moderna’, George Soros etc., from 1986 forward and how it has manipulated ‘Truth’ reporting on ‘Health’, advertising, and control of all Media worldwide. In this awareness, know that it is imperative that the REAL news get out to the masses NOW.
It is astounding how 12 people in the USA, sitting around a table to create this heinous ‘Act' "Priorities for the National Vaccine Plan”2 that impacts on the entire world’s state of health, has been unquestioned as to WHO gave them ‘authority’! The world has been programmed to be herded like sheep into the ‘stalls’, and follow like lemmings to jump off the cliff.
“Those who control the media control the masses.” Edward Bernais, 1928 “Propaganda"
Why I am writing this, is in relation to the Substack ”paid accounts"… of several doctors, medical experts, journalists… who, understandably require an income to survive. I have been following several of these well informed authors since the beginning of this scamdemic, before Substack became a popular platform for all who were being muzzled from spewing the Truth … along with being chastised and ‘defunded’ for standing in Truth.
I understand the need for an income in these corrupt times. However, with the current trend of the once open stream of informed articles, on the Substack platform, I and perhaps you, who have minimal to no income, are now unable to comment or add any additional information, that may support and enhance other well informed professionals (medical and media alike), who have discovered this delightful open forum. “Paid Subscriptions” with restrictions is just another ploy to stifle and silence the Word from getting out … “It’s all about the money, honey!” The following is a plea to all Substack Authors, who only allow full viewing and comments, to those who pay them, to reconsider what this is doing to their important message… which I may determine is worthy to share with my world networks.
I am one of those, who was not reliant on the government, primarily working freelance! No work, no income… since I was fired from Blythe Academy International online, teaching Media Arts, in February 2021 … for “giving medical advice” to a student during an oral mid term exam. The subject matter was on “Inventors and Their Inventions” … My response to the student was based on a comment he made regarding Bill Gates and his "wonderful work with vaccines in Africa" and the new vaccine (. I merely recommended that this student do his research thoroughly, before he consider taking an injection, and gave him a very brief synopsis of Gates real background, as a college drop out, computer geek turned ‘Pharma expert’! I was the 5 Star Teacher, with the 5 Star course that I designed and delivered for over 7 years. This ‘new' Principal, who looked like a Nazi war camp prude, did not even allow me to respond to the claim, and just said, “We are terminating your contract as of Now!” Boom!
Since then I have worked harder and longer with zero income… relying on the goodness of others for support. I will never cut anyone off for appreciating and sharing my work. I appreciate when someone offers to pay towards the thousands of hours that I have put in, since 2021. However, I will never block anyone from receiving the Truth, until all are awake, aware and taking action to banish these demons to Hell … and there is Peace on Earth!
What is disheartening, about Substack ‘paid’ accounts, is the almighty 'money’ that got us all in this position in the first place, the blocking of the REAL news from getting out to the masses on MSM due to massive bribes, and control of the narrative. Do you think the masses can afford to pay for your wise words, and comment on them! You know the answer. Money is the means of stupefying, controlling and perpetuating this charade. The banksters at the ’top’ of the pyramid, who have stolen all our ‘money’ and used it to create wars against the masses going back to 1700’s Rothschilds, are sitting in their ivory towers laughing at all the sheep and lemmings who are jumping off the cliffs.
I realize we are all struggling financially… However, if I paid the monthly subscription to all the people I follow and admire, I would be unable to put food on my table, or gas in my car, or pay for the internet to write these missives.
I am honoured when ‘readers’ can afford to pay for the stories of Truth that I am inspired to present, in hope to end this Apocalypse. But, if one cannot afford to pay, I will not cut them off from receiving the Word, as if they are less worthy of hearing Truth or commenting on it. It is important that they are aware, so they may rise above and thrive,
We need to take back our power and the only way is to educate and illuminate the Truth to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. When we give selflessly, we prosper in God given abundance as LOVE. That is what this war on Earth is all about… and the only way to create Heaven on Earth is to be an example of it.
“Only those who consciously acknowledge God as the Source and Essence of their Being as LOVE will survive the Apocalypse that is to come!” … This message was given to this Author via the “Pleiadeans" at the onset of 4 prophetic astral visions, beginning 1971 to 1978, of all that has occurred and all that is yet to come. “Choose you this day whom you will serve … God (Love eternal) or mammon (matter/ego)!”
1986 The Act -
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s “film is full of the most heinous acts of fraud, deception, lies at the highest level, and really, the key to this film is that it leads to accountability. This cannot simply be allowed to be brushed under the carpet, and therefore it has to be made as public as possible, and it has to have an influence upon the upcoming election.”
I wish that I could give money to ALL the people that I follow on social media etc. but CAN'T
these days it has been a financial struggle along with all kinds of other struggles. It is my hope that the entire world will be free from slavery taxes and high costs to live. as has been stated, 'no one should have to pay on this planet' which is all of ours not just for a select few.
Thank you, Terry. Perhaps a cure for what appears as malady of paid Substack subscriptions might be for all Substack authors to remove their paywall on the same day each week, opening a channel for new awareness to flow and benefit all. Even it is a 1/2 day, same day, once a week.