What the heck has happened to Canada’s ‘HELLth’ ministries and governing bodies, elected and employed to protect, under God’s ancient Hippocratic Oath of “Do No Harm!” There is major corruption and evil occurring in the Courts worldwide, in the name of “protecting’ the children? Whereas, these youth, mothers and fathers are further abused, thrown into psychiatric wards, physically and sexually assaulted, and injected with debilitating, deadly psychotropic drugs that destroy brain and body function, while blocking the pineal connection to their ethereal conscious Being.
Canada December 4, 2023: On April 21, 2023, ‘Astrid’, an Ontario Mother, whose life is now being threatened, was granted Custody of her 3 young children, over the father who was charged with abusing them. On August 21, 2023, Kelly Emrick from Durham Children’s Aid Society (DCAS) confirmed to Judge Finlayson, Superior Court of Justice, Oshawa, ON, that the Mother was a “safe haven” for her children.
Superior Court Judge Alexander Finlayson manufactured an endorsement on November 23rd, signed and back dated it to November 14, 2023. Then, on December 1st, Jennifer Wiseman, a new DCAS caseworker on the file, falsified an affidavit in an attempt to illegally transfer custody of Astrid’s 3 children to the DCAS. It is important to note that from November 23 to the present NONE of the documents from Judge Finlayson are signed, except for the fraudulent and back dated Endorsement. All evidence is well documented and available for review on case line - Schiller v Miscevic.
In August 2023, the Mother, an accomplished Holistic Practitioner, withdrew her family court application, for divorce, custody and access, because she was suffering from “Legal Abuse Syndrome” (LAS) caused by 4 years of torture in the corrupt Family Court system. Despite the Mother’s withdrawal, Judge Finlayson scheduled a hearing on September 25, 2023, where he and the father’s Council, Nandishi Bekah conspired to commit fraud in an ex-parté proceeding. The Opposing Council, Nandishi committed fraud when she deliberately concealed the fact that ‘Astrid’ was never served the motion material. When Judge Finlayson asked Nadish if Astrid had been served, Nandishi lied and said “Yes!” Astrid was not invited into the chambers until after the ex-parté proceedings began. Finlayson and Nandishi arrogantly proceeded, as if the case were still open despite the fact that it was withdrawn/closed for over 1 month prior.
On November 21, the Mother sent an email to the Family Court Registrar inquiring if any Endorsement or order was issued. The Family Court Registrar responded the same day, via email, that “No order was issued”.
On December 1st, while Astrid was on vacation with her children, another ex-parté hearing was held, where Justice Finlayson on December 5th served an unsigned endorsement (not a court order) granting custody to DCAS, despite knowing the Mother’s application was withdrawn, thereby closing the file and ending the Family Court matter. The Endorsement was based entirely on the false testimony of DCAS case worker, Jennifer Wiseman. Jennifer stated that the Mother refused her access to the children, although on November 30th, in a witnessed phone conference, the Mother twice asked Wiseman if she wanted to speak with her sons, to which Wiseman twice abruptly replied, “No!” Wiseman subsequently submitted a falsified affidavit where she stated the mother refused to let her see and speak with the children.
The December 1st Endorsement states:
Justice Finlayson is attempting to illegally transfer custody from the Mother to DCAS, to traffic and inject her children with a known bioweapon (disguised as a vaccine), which has maimed and murdered over a billion people worldwide since 2020. These very bright and loved children have been exempt from all “vaccine” poisoning to this date. In addition, DCAS plan to give custody to the brother inlaw, who has a known history of mental instability .
After DCAS case worker Kelly Emrick declared the mother a safe haven and closed the file, the new case worker, Jennifer Wiseman, conspired with Justice Finlayson to open a new file, and conveniently claimed the mother is “in need of a mental health assessment?” There’s been no wellness checks on Astrid and her boys since she was granted sole custody. However, since withdrawing her lawsuit Durham police cruisers have been showing up at Astrid’s home 6 at a time, under the guise of a wellness check, with fake warrants.
QUESTION- Who really needs the mental health assessment; Justice Finlayson, who is manufacturing, back dating and issuing unsigned illegal endorsements in a closed case, the lying DCAS worker Jennifer, or Astrid, the loving Mother who’s looking out for the best interest of her children? … You decide!
In Canada’s Western provinces, another single mother of 4 loving and innocent indigenous children has been subjected to demonic criminal neglect and abuse by the Crown Corporations’ legal and health systems, since 2014.
It all began with Michele’s purchase of an affordable house (built 1915) in Medicine Hat, Alberta, by a Seller who did not disclose that the home was infested with mold, deer mice infestation, disturbing asbestos, and faulty electrical wiring. She approached the Seller who was unwilling to return her money and for the so-called Alberta Health Services to perform an inspection. In their report she was categorized as a “Nuisance Owner Occupied Housing”. She then called on a professional, Mike Holmes Inspector, for a thorough home examination, who “became very ill after a 5-hr inspection, and advised us to run for our lives.” Michele took this battle to court, where she met injustice after injustice.
“My last appearance was requested by the defendants to have the claim dismissed, upon hearing my last witness (previous tenant), who also confirmed the many dangers his family encountered, prior to the owner selling it to me. The Judge, made his decision May 2023, and corrupt as they all are, despite all my exceptional evidence and line up of witnesses, he claimed the real estate law supersedes all evidence. Despite my claim of Alberta real estate law that states: " when you are sold a home with harmful defects you can rescind the contract ", and, exceptions to: ‘Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) are Fraud and when it is that Egregious’– of which I proved both. Including the dismissal of my 8-year case, the Judge has ordered me to pay all costs. The Sellers’ and Realtors’ lawyers have forwarded me a bill of costs, totaling $128,000, despite the fact that I proved, without a doubt that I had been defrauded.”
This Mother was aware of the effects on the family’s health – her youngest son Gabriel was severely affected neurologically, mentally and physically – and due to the extortion in Medicine Hat, they moved out to live in Kelowna, BC, near family. Psychosis, incited from living with poison mold for over 1 year, caused Gabriel, who is a lover of nature, to wander off. After he went missing for 2 days, the police picked him up and put him into the Kelowna hospital Psych ward, where he was administered psychotropic drugs that do not cure, but have known contraindications to ‘instigate’ severe schizophrenia, memory loss… and death.
More recently this Mother, attained Power of Attorney (POA) over her teenage son’s medical health, yet had extremely limited access to aid and assist him. In addition, the in-hospital doctors dismissed the POA completely, ignoring the Judge’s “Urgent Guardianship Order,” which is above their authority.
Shortly after the teen was released, his Social Worker, Gemma and the Kelowna General Psych Nurse, Erica forced their way into the Mother’s home, while she was on the phone. They followed Gabriel, rolled up his sleeve and had a needle ready to inject. The Mother intercepted, indicating these drugs were harmful, based on the contraindications and previous experience. The nurse promptly injected him with no contraindication documentation or informed consent.
Michele later went to the clinic to request these documents, and as she was leaving, two police officers apprehended her, based on the nurse’s false claim that “she was shoved by her.” They admitted Michele under the Mental Health Act, put her in a cell, made her strip naked in front of 3 male security guards, administered her anti-anxiety and psychotropic drugs and threatened her with solitary confinement. They kept her in the hospital for 5 days. The battle continues.
There is significant incriminating information available that has not yet been revealed, to protect the children and Mothers. If they are harmed further, the Truth will out and all involved in these criminal actions will be exposed and held accountable in God’s Court.
These are just two of a multitude of similar atrocious abuses of authority, played out in Canada and worldwide, since WWI … and more so over the past 4 years.
Michele reached out to First Nations offices with the following message, in regards to the abuse and atrocities of the Residential Schools, and now wishes to share it with the world:
“You need to understand that if you don’t wake up NOW, years later you will understand, how cruel and corrupt and evil these demons were and are. I am telling you now that the Mental Health Act is the New Residential School … not just for Natives, but for God loving, vulnerable beings, under the guise of the Mental Health Act, which is NOT the Law. You need to Wake up and put an end to this! Otherwise, years from now, you will look back and say, ‘We were raped again and our children were stolen from us!’”
In an article written 13/09/2022, by Daveyone, UK, based on his own experience and years of research worldwide, he came to a brilliant conclusion,
“The Time to Halt Family Court Injustice is NOW!”
“My contact with Family Court Judges, Solicitors, Barristers, CAFCASS, Social Services and Police ultimately to the CSA and above all the impact this has on my Children for when this should have been ‘in their best interest’. Instead what I witnessed between March and October 2004 ranged from inconsistency to outright corruption. Therefore I embarked on what has become almost 8 years of research worldwide within input right across the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Greece and a number of European Countries.”1
This is an extension of experimentation that took place in Nazi concentration camps in WWI and WWII. In these concentration camps, prisoners were used as guinea pigs to test the effects of mercury, aluminum, fluoride, formaldehyde (found as ‘adjuvants’ in ALL vaccines), mustard gas (chemo therapy), pesticides (DDT), and Satan only knows… to control the mind, as well as genetic experiments using thalidomide on pregnant women, in the death camps, causing massive deformation. Public Health under the Third Reich portrayed Jews as spreaders of disease. Reflecting common themes in Nazi propaganda, these medical professionals repeatedly pushed the false claim that Jews were responsible for outbreaks of typhus—a deadly contagious disease spread by lice. … Sound familiar? This is what the perpetrator’s propaganda is claiming the healthy ‘unvaxxed’ are perpetuating.2
Today’s dentistry and medical pharmaceutical practices are primarily founded on these testing grounds. This is all in an attempt to crush those who have lost faith and Trust in who and what we really are - Divine conscious beings as LOVE. Without the ‘T’ of Trust, all that remains is ‘rust’ … and the battle is lost.
All that is occurring truly dates back to “The Secret Covenant” delivered by Oil Tycoon JD Rockefeller, founder of today’s Pharmacology, to a group of Free Mason Eugenicists, early 1880’s.
“An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time, so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur...”3
One must listen to the end of the Covenant to discover the only way to resolve this insanity and restore Peace on Earth.
how much more abuse will this world take and in this case with Michele and her family!! This is outrageous!! The health care system, judicial system & the so called government which is really a service corporation must be completely overhauled!! This is not acceptable on any level!