It’s a peace of weak full of holes nothing but bullshit

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“The economy is driven by three forces: Smart managers, hard-working employees and investors.”

No Frank, you forgot the most important part, consumers. Without them the other three are just wasting their time. To have strong consumers you have to pay them as workers honestly for their productivity and the value they create. Profit siphons off that value and gives it to totally non-productive middlemen, scalpers, financiers and shareholders who don’t lift a finger to help produce anything other than debt. And a funny thing happens when you heap profits on top of prices… consumers stop buying because they can’t afford to go into any more debt.

Workers and managers don’t need owners. They are not property and what they produce should not be either. A fair price is simply the combined labour value of all of the inputs used along the production chain. Setting prices equal to costs allows everything produced to be purchased without any need for debt. It also eliminates the real cause of inflation. Profit and debt are two sides of the same coin that always flips in the capitalist’s favour.

You really want a strong Canada… then remove the barriers between workers and consumers, the profit, interest and taxes that steal the wealth that they produce. That way they could create their own factories and work cooperatively for the benefit of their entire community, and the health and safety of the planet. Canada could lead the world to freedom if we could just climb out of the P.I.T. of Profit, Interest and Taxes. Are you willing to help with that?

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