'Rebranding' To Conceal A Stolen Nation
Colonial Criminals Hide Behind Sovereign Curtain To Commit Theft & Fraud
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are based primarily on second party information, the author's knowledge, experience and researched ‘facts’ - Not based on the ‘opinion’ of the author.
The Anishinabek Solutrean Métis Indigenous Nation (ASMIN) is one of the oldest un-surrendered un-treatied Matriarchal Métis Indigenous Nations of North America . Under Indigenous Customs and Traditions the Nation is based on family, clan, community as part of an extended matriarchal familial relationship with many communities on Turtle Island. It is tradition to pass on ancient wisdom and prophecy from generation to generation.
One such prophecy that plays a significant role in these Apocalyptic times is the 500 year old Hopi and Inca prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor. The Prophecy, cited both by the Hopi Indians (NA) and the Inca (SA), foretells of a great change, announcing that in the fifth Pachacuti (this 3rd millennium), the indigenous of the Eagle, that is to say, the aboriginals of North America must unite with the indigenous of the Condor, the aboriginals of South America and walk together or humanity will vanish off the face of the Earth.
Apocalypse comes from ancient Greek meaning ‘revelation, disclosure'! A lifting of the veils, where the Truth of All That IS shall be revealed, providing those who have followed a dark path, one last opportunity to rise up, walk in the Light of Love to restore peace on Earth, or to be cast into the material eternal ‘hell’ of their own making. Despite all good selfless intentions, the dark somehow finds a way to sneak through the cracks to test one’s voracity - usually by instilling fear (false evidence appearing real) and lowering one’s vibration! The indigenous have faced this maltreatment from colonial governance for centuries, back to the first European explorers and settlers.
The uniting of the Nations became an evident ‘must’ in the late 2020’s and grew rapidly as leaders of many indigenous tribes worldwide realized the only way to battle the divisive culling and conquering of humanity by ‘“Pharma and the WHO” was to unite and band together. Several leaders and clan mothers met weekly to share their visions to create alliances across Turtle Island and around the globe.
One of these great leaders is ASMIN Grand Chief Wabiska, who speaks proudly of his family lineage. “The only providence for the whole nation; it's all based on my geneology and all my family history right back to 1600 when Marie-Madeleine Euphrosine Nicolet’s mother was born. And in 1628 Marie was born … the first recorded continuous Métis family line in a colonial paper trail. So I predate my family line from time immemorial on that line.”
In 2017, Grand Chief (GC) had a serious head injury, from which he was recovering, when he met Glen/n Bogue, a history major, who presented himself as a lawyer, interested in supporting, building and uniting native nations. The Chief shared this story of his family bloodline with the ‘history buff’! In 2022, while Grand Chief was recovering from brain surgery and numerous hospital stays, Bogue told GC to take a rest and tend to his ASMIN business, while he “will take care of the Tribunal.” According to GC, there was no signed, sealed document to this effect, and a complete misunderstanding of what Bogue’s intentions were.
The word ‘sovereign’ has no legal bearing in colonial law nor aboriginal customs traditions and law, as ‘sovereign’ denotes the feudal system of Kings and Queens and serfs. ADRIP and UNDRIP Canada utilize the word ‘indigenous’ as a universal global identifier of first peoples of the land. In Canada, to avail of the rights and benefits of these acts, one has to be considered to be ‘aboriginal’, as per the Constitution of Canada (1982) and USA, or ‘native’ American.
A disbarred ‘Attorney General’, Glenn P. Bogue (2017), and ‘Prosecutor’, John E. Cipolla (FBI criminal investigation), and partner Sabina DeVita, manipulated the Grand Chief and orchestrated a scheme to hide behind the sovereign curtain, violating the Nations and Grand Chief's Trust. None are identified as aboriginal in the two jurisdictions of note - Canada and USA! Both men had cases in the colonial courts; Cipolla was removed from the Court as ‘acting’ Justice in 20021 for indefensible conduct (never passed the bar), and Bogue was suspended as a lawyer in 2017 for ‘vexatious’ conduct.2
Now, they have stolen Grand Chief’s identity/heritage, along with all the rights of his family - clan - community – nation! They have not presented evidence of indigenous bloodline … and allegedly absconded with ALL funds donated to ASMIN and the Tribunal, with zero accountability! They have even taken down ALL his videos and presentations on the asminofturtleisland.org May 23, 2024. If these rogues are innocent and sincerely of the indigenous way, why are they on the attack of Grand Chief and all who support and honour him?
24-5-7 ASMIN Grand Chief Wabiska Message to Council on ASMIN-AIN Pretend Indian Hijack! Click link to view on YouTube.
The AIN Tribunal was hijacked by non indigenous/aboriginal, non Native Americans and is not a part of ASMIN. The perpetrators appropriated the ASMIN domains. Webmaster, Errol Francis took down ALL of Grand Chief’s identity (videos, photos, documents). On top of that, Sabina very recently changed the ASMIN name to “ASMIN of Turtle Island – the ASMINTI Founders”!!!
If they knew they have done NO WRONG -- why are they now rebranding to 'ASMINTI, formally known as ‘ASMIN’ and trademark registered by Grand Chief Wabiska! Is this not complete admission of guilt, for all to take note of!!! They are not even ASMIN nor indigenous to Turtle Island.
Not only did they steal the ASMIN identity and websites, they allegedly stated to government in falsified letters that the ASMIN mail address has been relocated from Grand Chief’s property to a personal property/business, of one of the four perpe-traitors, of the newly rebranded “ASMINTI”! Grand Chief’s trademarked name ASMIN was stolen and they know they are guilty and trying to cover their tracks.
And where is John Cipolla hiding (USA), silently in all of this, while still claiming he is the “Prosecutor” of the AIN Tribunal, raking in multiple $$$ from trusting ‘clients’.
In the wake of domestic and international crimes of financial/security issues, false documents submitted to various courts, identity fraud, crimes against humanity, such as cultural genocide and other felonies, to be audited and documented … the lives and livelihoods of children, parents and many others, who these ‘lawyers’ are supposed to be defending, have been jeopardized and destroyed, while ASMIN-AIN member and client ‘fees’ are stashed in the ‘Trust’ account of alleged perpetrator(s)! Children are being ripped from loving parents, by the system, due in part to Cipolla’s infamous “50/50 Peace Bond” that he used to counter restrictions in his own family divorce, having lost full custody in court, allegedly due to abuse.
Due to JC’s ‘illegal’ advice, verbal abuse and torment, one traumatized mother fled across the country in fear for the lives of her boys. A Court order was given to place the boys with CAS and throw the Mother in jail. They are now broke, hungry, homeless and in grave danger.4 It is questionable as to who sent the OPP, RCMP and Durham police - allegedly with hands on holster and guns out - to zero in and search the homes of those who harbored them. It was later discerned that only JC and his right hand ‘bodyguard spy’ - Rob Gertz - knew of their whereabouts.
There is more… Without consent, Bogue (and perhaps JC) has allegedly placed “blood” signatures of Clan Mothers, the Grand Chief, resigned indigenous Judges, along with self-appointed ‘native’ names, on mendacious claims and orders in colonial courts. Grand Chief was named in Bogue’s court documents without consent or approval.3
As their crimes became evident to AIN judges within the Tribunal, they took down the ASMIN website, removed all of Grand Chief’s history, rewrote the ‘askit4equity’ website, collected ‘increased’ ‘membership fees’, then removed the member page, so no one has access to their own account.
GCW: “They are doing everything colonial and they're trying to subvert everything that we have been working for, at least 20 years myself… to get Rights to our indigenous people. And this affects other groups that I am associated with… ”
In addition, Bogue created a ‘disturbing’ currency “Tumult”4 with little to no ‘clarity’ of how it works, a membership fee, no explanation of where money goes, and no accountable Directors names, nor true lineage Matriarchal Clan Mothers presented anywhere on the website. Perhaps yet another scam? You be the judge!
“The Members' capital shall be held in Trust at a Provincial Credit Union, or such other Financial Institution approved by the TUMULT Board of Trustees” … Who are they? Do all funds go into GB’s Northern Credit Union ‘Trust’ account(s), under the guise of the “T********USC”? Who’s the Trustee(s)… is it Bogue, and/or SD? “Who is the accountant and where are the records of accountability?”
Please note that on checking the Tumult website to provide a link to it’s content, https://app.tumult.ca/, I discovered it was very recently taken down. Why? Perhaps they are vanishing a nation of peoples assets in tumult … an attempt to conceal the evidence of theft and money laundering? Tumultuous!!!!
And what about ASMIN/AIN members, to whom they are marketing their ‘LOVE’ pods, which work stealthily off others' wifi … along with ‘white man’ emergency survival kits, full of destructive plastics and batteries (pollutants) that no true native to Mother Earth would ever consider using or even touching.
In this regard, a highly respected First Nation Elder has been approached to write a book, setting a precedent of exposure of the corruption/fraud by PRETEND INDIANS.
The complexity of this case is extreme, in the orchestration and implementation of multiple layered alleged fraudulent and criminal activities, highlighting and changing the intent of the ASMIN Aboriginal Nations mission of rights based agenda (Treaty), into a sovereign citizen movement, contrary to all laws … Aboriginal, Colonial and International.
It is important to note that . . . “TRUTH ALWAYS WINS … OVER evil!!!”
The above order from Grand Chief Wabiska is ‘ditto’ for John E. Cipolla, Sabina M. DeVita and Errol S. Francis, Yvonne Fulton Ikway Michine, and Arthur L. Jefford Sr., Elder Hereditary ASMIN Grand Chief Gwayak Bikwak
Article 56 of CanLII Court Order - https://www.canlii.org/en/qc/qccq/doc/2023/2023qccq3429/2023qccq3429.pdf - Footnote 29
To undo their system, learning the design of their system is key. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/war-culture-secret-societies-of-architects The reason they worked so hard to try and erase the Original thought systems that existed for thousands of years before colonists, is that they had to make people believe that there was no other belief system other than theirs.